Kubu Raya District


Kubu Raya Regency, which was formed in 2007, has an area based on Law Number 35 of 2007 of 6,958.22 square kilometers. It consists of nine sub-districts and 118 villages. Where, four sub-districts are located in coastal areas with a coastline of 194 kilometers and has 39 small islands. In addition, it has an area of 523,405 hectares of peat land or 60.9 percent of the Kubu Raya area.
Kubu Raya Regency has the potential of natural resources for the development of agriculture, plantations, forestry, livestock and fisheries as well as in the form of potential mining materials and energy resources. In addition to the agricultural sector which is the prima donna, the fisheries sector has reliable potential which is dominated by marine fisheries considering that Kubu Raya Regency has an adequate sea area, which is about 1,630.68 square kilometers and public waters about 760 square kilometers.

Judging from the existing potential, the opportunity for developing aquaculture business in the Kubu Raya Regency area is still very potential to be developed, especially in prospective commodities such as freshwater fish commodities in the form of carp, betutu fish, giant prawns, catfish, tilapia. , patent fish, pomfret and jelawat fish. Meanwhile, for brackish water and marine aquaculture, prospective commodities that can be developed are grouper, tiger prawn, vannamei shrimp, mangrove crab, milkfish and white snapper. In addition to consuming fish, the prospect of developing aquaculture business which has the potential to be developed in Kubu Raya Regency is the arowana fish commodity. This commodity is quite widely developed in the Kubu Raya Regency, both from local investors and investors from outside the Province of West Kalimantan.

With this great potential, we hope that in the future many investors will enter to participate in developing the existing potential, this is supported by the geographical condition of Kubu Raya which is the gateway to West Kalimantan both from land, air and sea, where this is one of the factors support to facilitate the entry and exit of goods.

Kubu Raya is rich with natural resources from mangroves, forests, and peatland, making the district a significant producer of agricultural commodities and forestry products. A monitoring report on GHG emissions stated Kubu Raya deforestation had reached 109,923 hectares from 2013 to 2018. Understanding the current pathway and critical roles of forest and peatland, the leadership of the District Government to achieve a green growth vision becomes vital.

Green Growth Roadmap

  • Establish Green Growth Acceleration Task Force
  • Mobilize funding opportunities
  • Monitor strategic and action plan implementation
  • Catalyze partnerships to support Kubu Raya Green Growth Program.

Multi-stakeholder Coalition

The district has collaborated with ICRAF, to develop a strategic plan for peatland ecosystem management and protection, and the Bekantan Corridor Management Action Plan with the support of Jari Indonesia Borneo Barat, under the leadership of Kubu Raya District’s Landscape Management Team. The district also collaborates with private sectors such as PT Mega Inovasi Organic to develop business incubation.

Investment Outlook

The district works closely with multiple stakeholders to develop business incubation and diversify the palm sugar industry. From the community’s forestry set, the district also develops business models. It improves the qualities of lemongrass and ginger as local communities’ produce to cater to the continued demand of the domestic market.