The Government of Indonesia has taken an essential step toward achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by issuing Presidential Regulation No. 59/2017. Such commitment was realized by mainstreaming SDGs indicators into National Medium-term Development Plan 2019-2024. Towards national SDGs targets, the government is accelerating the implementation of SDGs through financial mobilization, collaboration, and localizing the SDGs across jurisdictions level. However, the pandemic became a setback for any government, including Indonesia, in their effort to pursue SDGs. Philanthropy funding can support the SDGs’ achievement by integrating SDGs into their programs, collective actions, partnerships, social and environmental innovations, and many more. Therefore, the philanthropic fund can be utilized as one of the sources for funding SDGs. Further, the government is developing an ecosystem to support the SDGs financing through developing Sustainable Financing System, Green Taxonomy, SDGs Bonds, Green Sukuk, and INFF.