This study, “Collaborative Actions at Landscape Scale, The Case of Wehea – Kelay Forum in East Kalimantan, Indonesia,” was developed for the Jurisdictional Action Network with generous support from Cargill and the outcome of a genuinely collaborative effort conducted by IPMI Case Center, commissioned by Tropical Forest Alliance – World Economic Forum.

We want to express our gratitude to the Wehea-Kelay Essential Ecosystem Area Forum. The forum was established by the Governor of East Kalimantan, to be managed jointly with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, East Kutai District Government, Berau District Government, Wehea Customary Institutions, the contribution from private sectors, and the Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara.

We greatly appreciate the cooperation and offer our heartiest thanks to all parties involved who actively participated in the study and provided valuable inputs through interviews, online surveys, virtual convening, and ad hoc discussions to support the study’s preparation. Also, special thanks to the respected partners of the Wehea-Kelay forum, who have been tremendously helpful in providing feedback and continuously involved towards the end of the study, for which we may not be able to name each person or institution.

We hope that the collaborative management of the Wehea – Kelay Essential Area can be a model for saving ecosystems in general and protecting orangutan habitats in particular. This truly magnificent effort can become a good lesson and be replicated in other places, especially in areas with essential ecosystems and surrounding communities.